FatheRussia GuestBook


Old HS WWW: Haile Sellassie Family Web Russian Page : Index F-Russia Pages @ Tripod

Plays Russian

This is my second account with Tripod (see Film-North). I opened it by assident. Very Russian. I like Tripod, but my space limit is 11M and I used Russian Page: Exile for everything "Russian"... including my plays (in English).

There are several Russian-reletaed shows I staged: The Russian Christmas Tale, Inve$tore General, 3 Sisters, Marriage and now in 2001 I plan to webcast my own pomo hyper-text "The Story of David Z."

Looks I had recovered from my Second Coming to Russia (1992-94 Fulbright) and I can get back to the Russian-American Theatre Project... without going to Russia.


@2000 fatherussia